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Affordable website design for small business: Why your business needs a website, too

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Affordable website design for small business
4 min read

The world has changed and is never going back. Small businesses cannot afford NOT to have a business website.

Thankfully, there are affordable website design packages for small businesses available. Plus, you don’t need a PhD in Information Technology to manage your business website.  

R.E.M. got it right when they claimed “It’s the end of the world as we know it…”

Change happened quickly and businesses had to respond equally as fast.  

Many moved their bricks and mortar businesses online and pivoted their core business to ensure cash was still coming in, despite having to close their doors.  

Social media is not enough.

But, in a social media dominated world, how can small business owners justify having a website with the associated overheads, when they could just setup social media pages for their business for free?

There are many reasons, but the top motivations for having a small business website are:

  • Be in 100% control of your online presence – you have NO control on social platforms and how easy it is for customers to find you
  • Not everyone uses social media and many are fickle in which platform they use (i.e. currently Facebook is decreasing in popularity in favour of Instagram)
  • A website is considered more credible and makes your business look more professional
  • Forced closures and social distancing means we can’t physically shop. It doesn’t mean we stopped needing things. Even those people who weren’t savvy online shoppers pre-Coronavirus are now finding themselves buying mulch and weed mat online from their local hardware store.

No excuses.

Every small business needs its own website. And it should do more than simply show the world you exist.

But how do you know which TYPE of website your small business needs? Which format will help you achieve your business objectives?

Not all websites are created equal.

There are many different types and styles of websites, all offering something different for the visitor.

  1. Online Business Card – short, snappy info (think of it like your online elevator pitch) that you would share briefly, just as you would have on a hardcopy business card
  2. E-commerce Platform – used sell a range of products or services online via an online store
  3. Landing Page – very little or one call to action – ideal for selling a particular product or service with minimal navigation away from the page. The main call to action could be to buy a specific product or service or to register for an event, signup to an email newsletter or to attend a webinar
  4. Blog – a place for sharing personal or business stories where others will come to read more about you and your personal life/journey. E.g. travel, writers, fashion and lifestyle blogs are popular
  5. Portfolio – fantastic for creative industries; photographers, graphic designers, artists etc. This is a space to showcase the work that they do
  6. Sales/Lead Funnel – this probably the most common style of website. It’s generally made up of multiple pages such as a homepage, About page, Services/Products page, Contact Us page and may include an Online Store or Image Gallery/Portfolio page as well. Typically these sites have a lot of navigation – the main aim of the website is to build awareness of what that business does, as well as promote and/or sell their products or services.
  7. Training Hub – for businesses that educate people such as business coach, personal fitness etc. Members are given a login to access the site to follow a set program (e-courses, access resources etc.)
  8. Membership Community – similar to training hub, but the content could be varied to include tips, community projects, sharing news and events

(and I feel fine).

Website design for a small business does not need to be an exorbitant investment. Affordable website design for small business does exist.

Whether building a new website or revamping an existing one, it is crucial to determine what type of website your business needs. This will depend on what your industry is and who your target market is.

Still not sure or have questions? Book a FREE Website Update Strategy Session or New Website Strategy Session.

Affordable Small Business Website Designs start from $650 for a basic 4-page site. Get your small business online within 24 hours, today.

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