Social Media Image Sizes
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Look professional and really make your identity or brand shine with the correct social media image sizes across all of your social platforms.
Last updated: 02 February 2025
Table of Contents
Social media image sizes seem to be constantly being updated, so in this guide to we’re going to run through the latest recommendations so that you can be 100% up-to-date and make your social postings look awesome.
We’ll cover the most recent image size specifications for different social media networks, and more importantly, keep the list updated as changes on any of the networks come through.
We cover all the major platforms, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn along with some of the lesser-known and also up-and-coming…
As prolific social media posters, we keep in touch with the trends in social media and use this list as a reference for the work we do. Because of this if anything relevant to our work crops up, we update this list to reflect the changes so we have an up-to-date go-to reference, and so will you.
If there’s anything you’d like to see on this list then get in touch, we’d love to hear from you and would be happy to update this article with your recommendations.
Get your free social media image cheat sheet. This free downloadable guide contains all of the image sizes you will ever need for every major platform.
Why is it important to use the correct image sizes?
See the full image. Using the wrong image size can cut off part of the picture. There’s nothing more frustrating than creating an awesome image and then having a chunk of it cut off when you post. Worse than that if the image size isn’t correct you may be losing crucial branding or information that’s useful to your readers
See a clear image. The opposite of the issue above is if your image is too small. You may see stretching of your image, or if the image is really small a lot of blurring as the platform attempts to scale it to the correct size.
The platforms are smart. Having the correct images uploaded may be a factor included in ranking considerations. Using the correct sizes may increase engagement.
It looks professional. Scrolling through a feed of incorrectly sized, blurry and partial images is guaranteed to be a complete turnoff for your visitors.
Tips for image editing.
A couple of useful tips that will make things easier…
Scaling up and scaling down.
Although your final image may need to be a certain size, say 320×320, it is a good idea to work with a larger image and then reduce the dimensions (saving as a new version and keeping the original) when you’re ready to upload.
This way if the specifications ever change in future you have the higher resolution image to work from.
Remember – scaling down won’t affect your image quality (other than being smaller), scaling up means that the program you’re using for image editing needs to find information that’s not in the image you’re scaling in order to make the larger version. Depending on how much you’re scaling up this can lead to very blurry looking images.
Naming your images.
This may sound a bit dull (and perhaps it is), but it will save a ton of time and lots of headaches down the road.
Try to establish a good filing system for all of your images. If you do a lot of posting perhaps put images in monthly folders so they are easy to find if you want to go back and edit / reuse.
Also think about putting images in folders that are named for each platform, again for the same reason as above.
And lastly, try to use meaningful names if possible. Of course, you can scroll through images in your folders and just look at them, but search is also super useful when looking for things such as ‘Christmas with cute elves’ or ‘Australia day’
Tips for previewing.
It’s always worth having a quick check regarding how your images are going to look on different hardware platforms, but without lots of expensive hardware sitting around how are you going to do this?
If using chrome press F12 which will bring up the developer tools. If you’re new to this view it may look a bit confusing, but it is useful. Above the area your content is rendering is a dropdown menu where you can choose different device views. This will allow you to preview what things will look like on different hardware platforms. To get back you your normal view just press F12 again.
Another trick is to resize your browser. Most modern websites are mobile responsive, and work out the screen resolution they are rendering too. When the screen resolution hits a certain width a lot of applications automatically change their layout. This doesn’t always work but is a neat trick when it does.
Facebook image sizes
Facebook is one platform where things quite often change around. To future-proof your brand’s content always upload the highest-quality image you can.
Facebook image sizes for profile photos: 170 x 170 pixels (on most computers)
Your Facebook profile picture will display at 170 x 170 pixels on desktop. But it will display as 128 x 128 pixels on smartphones.

Facebook image sizes for cover photos: 851 x 315 pixels (recommended)
• Display size desktop: 820 x 312 pixels
• Display size smartphone: 640 x 360 pixels
• Minimum size: 400 x 150 pixels
• Ideal file size: Less than 100KB

• Use JPG or PNG files to avoid compression
• Using the recommended pixel sizes for your images will not only give you the best image results, but also the fastest load times.
• Profile pictures and cover photos with logos or text work best when uploaded as a PNG file.
• If you find yourself having to drag to reposition once you’ve uploaded your cover photo you have chosen an incorrect image size. Using the correct image size will mean a perfect fit and there will be no need to drag or re-position the image to make it look good.
Facebook image sizes for posts and timeline photos:
Facebook automatically resizes and formats your photos when they are uploaded to the timeline.
Avoid slow load times or pixel blurring by using the sizes recommended below.
• Recommended size square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
• Recommended size landscape: 1200 x 630 pixels
• Minimum size: 600 x 315 pixels

• If you using the carousel display and sharing 2 to 10 images make you images square (1200 x 1200 pixels) for the best results.

Facebook image sizes for event cover photos: 1200 x 628 pixels (recommended)

• This is about a 2:1 ratio.
• Once you have added and confirmed your event cover photo Facebook does not allow you to re-size. More about this from Facebook.
Facebook image sizes for panorama or 360 photos:
• Minimum image size: Facebook says that it should be “30,000 pixels in any dimension, and less than 135,000,000 pixels in total size.”
• Aspect ratio: 2:1
• Facebook automatically recognizes and processes these images based on “camera-specific metadata found in photos taken using 360-ready devices.”
• Files for these Facebook images can be up to 45 MB for JPEGs or 60 MB for PNGs.
• Facebook recommends using JPEGs for 360 photos and ensuring files aren’t bigger than 30 MB.
Facebook image sizes for Facebook Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels (recommended)

• Facebook Stories take up the full screen of a phone. That’s an aspect ratio of 9:16.
• Images should have a width of more than 500 pixels to look good.
• If you’re going to use text on your images leave around 15% of the top and bottom text-free. (250 pixels.) This will keep areas clear and ensure no text gets covered by buttons or your brand’s profile photo.
Facebook image sizes for ads:
• Sizes for Facebook Feed ads: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Minimum size 600 x 600 pixels. Ratio 1.91:1 to 1:1. Maximum file size of 30 MB.
• Sizes for Facebook Right Column ads: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Minimum size 254 x 133 pixels. Ratio 1:1. (Remember: These are a desktop-only ad format.)
• Facebook image sizes for Instant Articles: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Ratio 1.91:1 to 1:1. Maximum file size of 30 MB.
• Image sizes for Facebook Marketplace ads: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Ratio 1:1. Maximum file size of 30 MB.
• Image sizes for Facebook Search: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Minimum size 600 x 600 pixels. Ratio 1.91:1 to 1:1. Maximum file size of 30 MB.
• Facebook image sizes for Sponsored Messages: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Ratio 1.91:1 to 1:1. Maximum file size of 30 MB.
• Sizes for Messenger inbox ads: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Ratio 1:1. Minimum size 254 x 133 pixels. Maximum file size of 30 MB.
• Sizes for Messenger Stories ads: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels. Ratio 9:16. Minimum width of 500 pixels.

Instagram image sizes
Instagram profile image sizes: 320 x 320 pixels

There’s no need to make your image circular, Instagram will do that automatically for you. That said bear in mind what is important in your image so it is preserved after this automatic edit.
Instagram image sizes for feed photos:
• Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
• Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels
• Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels
• Supported aspect ratios: Anywhere between 1.91:1 and 4:5
• Recommended image size: Author to a width of 1080 pixels, height according to usage outlined above.

• For images in the feed to look their best author to a width of 1080 pixels.
• Smaller images – If the image you want to work with is less than 1080 pixels wide Instagram will keep your image its original resolution, “as long as the photo’s aspect ratio is between 1.91:1 and 4:5“(in other words a height between 566 and 1350 pixels with a width of 1080 pixels).
• Larger images – Images sized over 1080 pixels will be scaled down by Instagram to 1080 pixels.
• If your uploaded Instagram image is within the supported ratios it will remain uncropped, if it is a different ratio, Instagram will automatically crop it. (You will lose some image in the process)
Instagram image sizes for thumbnails:
• Display size: 161 x 161 pixels
• Recommended upload size: 1080 pixels wide

• Instagram stores versions of these thumbnails that are as large as 1080 x 1080.
• Remember this is the Instagram grid, which is using the same images that appear in the feed. For the feed images should be 1080 pixels wide, and Instagram will automatically scale down to the grid size of 161×161.
Instagram Stories image size: 1080 x 1920 pixels

• This is an aspect ratio of 9:16.
• Not using this aspect ratio may mean strange stretching or cropping of your image
• Using images with a smaller pixel size (but the same aspect ratio) will allow the Story to buffer quickly, but don’t go too low or image quality will suffer.
• Instagram Reels use this same sizing.
Instagram carousel image sizes:
• Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
• Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels
• Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels
• Aspect ratio: square (1:1), landscape (1.91:1), vertical (4:5)
• Recommended image size: Width of 1080 pixels, height between 566 and 1350 pixels (depending on whether the image is landscape or portrait)
Instagram ads image sizes:
• Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
• Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels
• Minimum width: 320 pixels
• Maximum width: 1080 pixels
• Supported aspect ratios: Anywhere between 1.91:1 and 4:5

• Remember: There is a limit of 30 hashtags on an ad.
• Facebook also has guidelines regarding the number of characters included in an ad’s primary text and headline.
Image sizes for Instagram Stories ads: 1080 x 1920 pixels

• Instagram recommends leaving roughly “14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the image free from text and logos” to prevent them from being covered.
• Previously ads were penalised if more than 20% of the ad space was text. As of September 2020 this is no longer the case.
Get your free social media image cheat sheet. This free downloadable guide contains all of the image sizes you will ever need for every major platform.
Twitter image sizes
Although twitter was originally designed as a way of writing short messages, using images leads to more engagement. Tweets that include images consistently get more click-throughs, more likes, and more Retweets than non-image Tweets. Tweets with visual content are three times more likely to get engagement.
Twitter image sizes for profile photos: 400 x 400 (recommended)
• Minimum image size: 200 by 200 pixels
• Maximum file size: 2MB

Twitter image size for header photos: 1500 x 500 pixels (recommended)

• Use the maximum size available to future-proof your tweets.
• Header images are cropped to an aspect ratio of 3:1.
• Bear in mind that header images change the way they are displayed depending on the monitor and browser being used.
Twitter images sizes for in-stream photos: 1024 x 512 pixels (recommended)
- Minimum size: 440 x 220 pixels
- Recommended aspect ratio: 16:9
- Supported formats: GIF, JPG and PNG
- Maximum file size: Up to 5MB for photos and GIFs on mobile. Up to 15MB on the web.

Twitter card image size:
When a Tweet includes a URL. Twitter crawls that website, pulling in content, including an image for the summary card. (More info about this from Twitter.)
• Minimum size: 120 x 120 pixels
• Supported formats: GIF, JPG, PNG
• Maximum file size: 1MB

• By using the card validator you can test what your Twitter card will look like and see a preview
• As well as the regular summary cards there are a range other Twitter cards, so also a range of sizes, (summary cards with large images, app cards and player cards)
Twitter image sizes for fleets: 1080 x 1920 pixels
Fleets are ‘fleeting tweets’ that are temporary and that look like vertical Instagram Stories.
• For now, fleets are mobile-only.
Twitter image sizes for ads:
• Single and multi-image tweets: Minimum 600 x 335 pixels, but use larger images for the best results.
• Website card image: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio. 800 x 800 for 1:1 aspect ratio. Max file size of 20MB.
• App card image: 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio. 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio. Max file size of 3MB.
• Carousels: 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio. 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio. Max file size of 20MB for 2-6 image cards.
• Direct Message card: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio. Max file size of 3MB.
• Conversation card: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio. Max file size of 3MB.
LinkedIn image sizes
Using images either with your updates on your personal page or a business page will attract more attention, increasing engagement and sharing.
LinkedIn image sizes for profile photos: 400 x 400 pixels or larger (recommended)

• LinkedIn can accommodate photos up to 7680 x 4320 pixels.
• And it can handle files up to 8MB, so upload as large as you can to future-proof.
LinkedIn image sizes for profile cover photos: 1584 x 396 pixels (recommended)
• Aspect ratio: 4:1

• Files need to be smaller than 8MB
• Cover photos are crop differently on mobile and desktop. Make sure to view your profile on both kinds of display before finalizing.
LinkedIn image sizes for company pages:
• Company logo size: 300 x 300 pixels
• Page cover image size: 1128 x 191 pixels
• Life tab main image size: 1128 x 376 pixels
• Life tab custom modules image size: 502 x 282 pixels
• Life tab company photos image sizes: 900 x 600 pixels
• Square logo: At least 60 x 60 pixels
• When posting image updates to your company page, make sure to use PNG or JPG images.
• Use an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
• 1200 x 628 pixel images are ideal.
• This LinkedIn image sizing also applies to showcase pages. For more information on showcase pages – LinkedIn Showcase pages.
LinkedIn image sizes for blog post link images: 1200 x 627 pixels (recommended)

LinkedIn custom image size for sharing a link in an update: 1200 x 627 pixels (recommended)

When you share a link, a thumbnail image may appear in the preview if one is available, along with the article or website title. (depending on how the webpage you’re linking too has been setup)
If you need to you can customize it by clicking the Image icon below the text box and selecting a photo from your computer.
• The image should use a 1.91:1 ratio.
• Make images lager than the minimum 200 pixels wide.
• If and image is less than 200 pixels wide, it will appear as a thumbnail on the left side of the post.
LinkedIn Stories image sizes:
• Aspect ratio: 9:16
• Resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels
• File types: JPEG and PNG
• You can save individual posts from your Story within 24 hours of publishing the LinkedIn Story.
• LinkedIn Stories can be shared with any of your first-degree connections via LinkedIn Messaging.
LinkedIn image sizes for ads:
• Company logo size for ads: 100 x 100 pixels
• Spotlight ads logo size: 100 x 100 pixels
• Spotlight ads custom background image: 300 x 250 pixels
• Sponsored content images: 1200 x 627 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio)
• Sponsored content carousel images: 1080 x 1080 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)

Pinterest image sizes
Pinterest image size for profile photo: 165 x 165 pixels (recommended)

• Remember that your profile photo can be authored square, and that it will be displayed as a circle after upload.
Pinterest image size for profile cover photo: 800 x 450 pixels (at minimum)
• Use a landscape photo with a 16:9 aspect ratio rather than a portrait photo.
Pinterest image size for pins

• Aspect ratio: 2:3 (recommended)
• Square pins: 1000 x 1000 pixels
• Recommended size: 1000 x 1500 pixels
• Max file size: 20MB
• Keep to the 2:3 aspect ratio to make sure your audience sees all the image’s details and nothing is cropped or lost.
• On the feed, Pins are displayed with a fixed width of 236 pixels.
• Pinterest crops images from the bottom, so if you do need to use a different aspect ratio bear this in mind.
• Both PNG and JPEG files can be used.
Pinterest image sizes for collections Pins:
• Aspect ratio: 1:1 (recommended) or 2:3
• Recommended size: 1000 x 1000 pixels or 1000 x 1500 pixels
• Max file size: 10MB
• This format appears as one main image, above three smaller images.
• All images must have the same aspect ratio.
• Collections appear in feeds on mobile devices.
• Both PNG and JPEG files can be used.
• Collections can also be an ad format on Pinterest
Pinterest image size for Story Pins:
• Aspect ratio: 9:16
• Recommended size: 1080 x 1920 pixels
• Max file size: 20MB
Pinterest image sizes for ads and carousels:
• App install ads: Same specs as standard Pins. A 2:3 aspect ratio is recommended. 1000 x 1500 pixels recommended.
• Carousel Pins and ads: An aspect ratio of either 1:1 or 2:3. 1000 x 1500 pixels or 1000 x 1000 pixels recommended. Up to 5 images can be included in a carousel.
• Shopping ads: Same specs as standard Pins. A 2:3 aspect ratio is recommended. (Recommended 1000 x 1500 pixels)

Tumblr image sizes
Tumblr profile photo size:
• Recommended size: 128 x 128 pixels
• Minimum size and avatar: 64 x 64 pixels

Tumblr banner size:
• Recommended size: 3000 x 1055 pixels
• Minimum size: 640 x 360 pixels

Dashboard view image:
• Minimum size: 500 x 750 pixels
• Maximum size: 1280 x 1920 pixels
Tumblr photo set:
• One image: each photo 500 pixels wide
• Two images: each photo 245 pixels wide
• Three images: each photo 160 pixels wide

Tumblr images in a shared link or text post:
• The thumbnail image in a link displays at 130 x 130 pixels.
• Images in a text post display at a width of 125 pixels but expand when clicked on.

Tumblr audio post image size: 169 x 169 pixels

Tumblr ads image size: 1280 x 1920 pixels (recommended)
Snapchat image sizes
Snapchat ads image size: 1080 x 1920 pixels (minimum)
• Aspect ratio: 9:16
• File type: JPEG or PNG
• Maximum file size: 5MB

Snapchat Geofilter image size: 1080 x 1920 (at minimum)
• Aspect ratio: 9:16
• File type: JPEG or PNG
• Maximum file size: 5MB
YouTube image sizes
YouTube profile photo size: 800 x 800 pixels (recommended)

• File formats include JPEG, GIF, BMP or PNG. Animated GIFs won’t work.
• Photos will render at 98 x 98 pixels.
YouTube banner image size: 2048 x 1152 pixels (at minimum)
• Aspect ratio: 16:9
• Minimum area for text and logos without being cut off: 1235 x 338 pixels
• Maximum file size: 6MB

YouTube video size: 1280 x 720 pixels (minimum)

• Videos intended for sale or rental are recommended to have have a higher pixel count: 1920 x 1080 pixels.
• Videos are required to be at least 1280 x 720 pixels in order to meet HD standards.
• This is a 16:9 aspect ratio.
TikTok image sizes
TikTok profile photo size: 20 x 20 pixels (minimum)

• While 20 x 20 is the minimum upload size, create and upload a higher quality photo for future-proofing.
TikTok video size: 1080 x 1920

• Aspect ratio for Tik Tok videos should ideally be 1:1 or 9:16.
Clubhouse image sizes
Clubhouse is new on the scene and currently in closed beta, requiring an invite to join.
This will change as the platform matures and will become open to all.
Clubhouse profile image size
Profile pictures are automatically scaled to fit.

• Take a photo that clearly shows your face, a head and shoulders shot is ideal.
• If you have a full-body photo then crop before uploading to focus on your face.
• Photos can be uploaded from your phone, Clubhouse will automatically re-size them.
Clubhouse – images attached to stories: 360 x 240
Images attached to a story are scaled down to at most 360 pixels wide and 240 pixels high.
Clubhouse – images attached to comments or descriptions: Max 380 pixels high
Images attached to a comment or description are scaled down to at most the width of the comment element, and at most 380 pixels high.
Clubhouse – lightbox images
Clicking on an image to display it hi-res in a lightbox causes it to be scaled to the size of the browser window.
• Very tall, thin images can become difficult to see.
Summary – Social media image sizes
I hope you’ve found this guide helpful, don’t forget to bookmark for future reference as we will be updating it whenever any changes are made to the social media platforms.
If you’d like to learn more about how to get the best from your social media then head over to our ‘how to’ article about social media where we share more tips and tricks.
Get your free social media image cheat sheet. This free downloadable guide contains all of the image sizes you will ever need for every major platform.
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